Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The latest & greatest

I haven't blogged in a while so here is a quick update on what we've been up to since January (not necessarily in order)!

L & G determined they make great Pirates

We've had more snow than we know what to do with.....

There has been a ton of fly tying & know L thinks he can do it on his own (and he basically can which couldn't make Matt more proud)!

G-money turned 2!!! He is still a mile-a-minute but cute as a button. The stuff he says and the faces he pulls are the BEST!

We made a trip to Cali and had some serious beach fun with Kris (or Hotchi as G call her) and Jer. We of course had to hit Disneyland with Kris, Aaron and Jer and we definitely did everything. We like as much if not more than the boys....we are already trying to figure out when to go next!

Last night the Easter Bunny came early and brought L & G a parakeet named Gerdie. The picture is of the boys holding the books we checked out at the Library earlier in the week to learn about how to take care of a parakeet if we were to ever have one.....
I found Gerdie in the KSL ads and she or he (we don't know for sure yet) is darling. The boys have wanted a bird since March and I'm a total sucker so you know how that turned out :)

Last night when Matt was telling the boys their nightly story (they take turns making up a story about an animal), Matt decided to tell them about Gerdie, a little parakeet that lived in a big tree and saw two little boys that she wanted meet.
We left the boys a note from the Easter Bunny explaining that while he was out checking his routes for Saturday night he heard Matt telling the story of Gerdie and then saw her in our tree. Anywho, they are excited to say the least.