Sunday, February 8, 2009


Liam is loving the gymnastics class he is taking at the Fairmont Aquatic Center. Its only once a week for 30 mins, but it goes at least an hour....and its CHEAP! Anyone looking for something fun for their toddler should definitely look into this. Here are some pics from a couple of weeks ago. I will admit that my Liam is a little on the 'handful' side and after three classes he sings all the songs, follows direction and waits in line. Its been a MIRACLE. I love him (and I'm his mom so only I can say this), but honestly I didn't think the class would work out due to! Look into your local county recreation centers, they have great programs that not many people take advantage of!


  1. Looks like SO much fun. It was great to see you guys yesterday even though we couldn't talk much. Let's get together before baby comes!

  2. I can't believe how close you are!! Liam is so adorable, I just want to go do gymnastics with him!! Hugs and Kisses to you and your family!

  3. Love it. I did the swimming lessons there as referred by you. Gymnastics looks like a blast.
